Digital transformation that complex processes Light as a feather renders

Wir sind Berater:innen und Umsetzer:innen, die in jeder Phase der Digitalisierung mit dem richtigen Know-How unterstützen. Für zukunftsfitte Teams und langlebige Geschäftsmodelle.

What we are really good at and enjoy doing

Interim Management & Consulting

We advise and implement and thus develop tailor-made solutions for your business. In doing so, we provide your team with practical support from the initial idea to use in day-to-day business.

Nearshore Strategy & Consulting

We procure and manage external teams for IT projects, products or digitization projects. Flexible, structured, results-driven and with many years of specialized experience.

Energy & Mobility

We support you in the digital transformation and strategic realignment of your service offerings and operating processes, on the way to a sustainable and customer-oriented future

Customer Service Experience

We enable companies to focus on customer service and not address IT, process, or operational issues.

Marcus Alt
CTO | Head of R&D - SimonsVoss
Technologies GmbH

Working with Lupus is very pleasant, professional, provides concrete results and provides us with practical support during implementation. With Lupus, we repeatedly receive valuable inspiration for current and upcoming challenges as well as for our strategy.

Claudia Moser
Head of IT - Netze BW GmbH

Lupus & Company closely supported and advised us as part of our nearshoring strategy. Thanks to the well-founded and practical experience of the consultants employed, we were able to successfully transfer various IT services to nearshoring. Lupus & Company helped us both to choose the right shoring models and to award and implement them in our organization and processes. I would like to thank the Lupus & Company team for their very positive and competent cooperation.

Klaus Steiner
Managing Director - Stadtwerke Dorfen GmbH

Frank Reimesch was able to give us very important impulses both in the area of service provider management and optimization of the Microsoft 365 CRM solution and in the introduction and training of project management at our company and has made a decisive contribution to ensuring that we have a good solution in the end.

Benjamin Dörich
Sales Director - SevenOne Media GmbH

We were happy to have a neutral and experienced man who supported us from product strategy to selection of the best partner to operational management of implementation. Alexander pushed the project forward very pragmatically so that we were able to successfully launch the platform at the end of April.

Cathrin Lind
Head of Operations at EnBW mobility+ AG & Co. KG

Lupus helped us pragmatically and quickly to evaluate the potential of a new solution and to make an impact. In particular, Lupus' ability to design on an interdisciplinary basis, including complex professional processes, organizational change, and technological implementation, has quickly brought us to a suitable solution for us.

Christian Reichardt
Leiter Portfolio Management & Methodologies - EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

Lupus & Company hat uns beim Aufbau und der Umsetzung des Competence Centers professionell, zuverlässig und vertrauensvoll unterstützt und wirksam zum Erfolg des Vorhabens beigetragen.

Thomas Pfab
VP Sales Partnerships - SevenOne Media GmbH

Ein großes Dankeschön an Lupus für die hervorragende Organisation und Moderation ihres Idea2Value Workshops!
Das war ein wirklich sehr konzentrierter, fokussierter und effizienter Tag, dessen Outcome uns definitiv künftig sehr gute Dienste leisten wird.

Customer Testimonials

Who is Lupus & Company?

Wir sind Berater:innen, die nicht nur beraten, sondern auch zuhören, anpacken, umsetzen und weiterdenken. Mit einer großen Portion Digitalisierungs-Erfahrung im Gepäck schreiben wir lösungsorientiertes Arbeiten und ständige Weiterentwicklung groß.

You are looking for consultants who, in your digital transformation, have real difference Instead of just scrubbing PowerPoint slides?

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