Digital transformation that complex processes Light as a feather renders
Wir sind Berater:innen und Umsetzer:innen, die in jeder Phase der Digitalisierung mit dem richtigen Know-How unterstützen. Für zukunftsfitte Teams und langlebige Geschäftsmodelle.

What we are really good at and enjoy doing
Interim Management & Consulting
We advise and implement and thus develop tailor-made solutions for your business. In doing so, we provide your team with practical support from the initial idea to use in day-to-day business.
Nearshore Strategy & Consulting
We procure and manage external teams for IT projects, products or digitization projects. Flexible, structured, results-driven and with many years of specialized experience.
Energy & Mobility
We support you in the digital transformation and strategic realignment of your service offerings and operating processes, on the way to a sustainable and customer-oriented future
Customer Service Experience
We enable companies to focus on customer service and not address IT, process, or operational issues.
Customer Testimonials
Who is Lupus & Company?
Wir sind Berater:innen, die nicht nur beraten, sondern auch zuhören, anpacken, umsetzen und weiterdenken. Mit einer großen Portion Digitalisierungs-Erfahrung im Gepäck schreiben wir lösungsorientiertes Arbeiten und ständige Weiterentwicklung groß.
These companies are already benefiting from our know-how